Skykit Digital Signage and Workplace Solutions

4 Under-Utilized Strategies for Digital Menu Boards and Kiosks

In the early years of digital signage, the purpose of using images and video in the retail space was to share information and alert customers of sales or promotions. It worked.

As the industry grew, so did the concept of marketing. Digital signage began to show up in other industries, like the automotive, healthcare, and restaurant industries. Hardware graduated from the VHS to the various media players we see today.

Software also matured to meet the specific needs of retailers and restaurateurs.

As the digital signage industry boomed, so did the voices of digital signage users everywhere.
They wanted more options.
More choices.
More solutions.

They wanted more bang for their buck.
And based on the number of digital signs and kiosks we see on any given day, it’s safe to say those voices were heard.

Will QSR Kiosks Replace Employees?

There is a storm brewing inside the world of fast casuals. It starts when employees walk through the door and circulates around the kiosks that threaten to replace them.

At least that’s one side of the story.

On the other side, once the storm passes, it’s clear skies in and around the self-service kiosks where managers and employers everywhere are saying the digital kiosks are far from a threat. If anything, they’re an advancement that comes at the request of consumers.

I think you’ll agree with me when I say…

It’s really hard to decide who is right and who is wrong. Different news articles tell different stories.

So you decide: Will kiosks replace employees? Or are we simply seeing advancement in the digital world that is merely a sign of the times?

5 Reasons Why You Need a Digital Drive-Thru Menu

If I were to ask you what restaurant you thought had the very first drive-thru window ever, what would your guess be?

If you guessed McDonalds (like I did) you’re wrong.

The very first drive-thru window popped up in Springfield, Missouri in 1947 at a burger joint known as Red’s Giant Hamburg. Drive-up restaurants were already in full swing at this point, but it was Red’s that started the trend of ordering food by talking to an invisible person through a two-way speaker.

The first chain restaurant to adopt the concept was Jack In The Box. McDonalds didn’t actually hop on board until 1975.

The more you know, right?

Now drive-thru windows are everywhere, it seems. A more sophisticated, savvy, two-way speaker has taken the place of the old, clunky one. LCD screens display your order to ensure accuracy. And videos of sparkling, ice-cold sodas and fresh grilled burgers are taking the place of traditional 2D images.

Things are changing.

If you’re considering a digital drive-thru board for your quick serve restaurant, you may have some reservations. Many do when they begin exploring unchartered territory. That’s why we put together this handy blog post to share with you 5 reasons why you need a digital drive-thru board.

The History of Digital Signage

The history of Digital Signage - Portrait of young woman having difficulties choosing in store of digital devices.

Every story has a backstory that started with a spark or an idea. Better known as history, these stories spur us to go beyond our humble beginnings and into a place where we create more history. The more history we create, the more stories we have to tell.

Digital signage has such a story. One probably wouldn’t think there’s much to it, but there is. It’s a good one, too.

I’d better start by saying the origin and history varies depending on what your definition of signage is. For this post, I’m going to start at the beginning of communication on signage, not “digital signage.”

So, no nitpicking over definitions.

Why You Should Consider Custom Kiosk Applications

Kiosks are fast becoming a standard feature in various businesses. We see kiosks and kiosk applications in all shapes and sizes, from the restaurant industry to the retail industry and everything in between.

Kiosks are usually strong and sturdy, build to withstand frequent usage from thousands of hands, although turning a tablet or iPhone into a kiosk isn’t unusual.

They’re created specifically for remote use, and are most often found in places like restaurants, banks, and airports.

Each and every one is unique thanks to the applications that make up part of their anatomy.

Digital Signage 101

Welcome to digital signage 101. We’ve put together this quick primer to help you understand the essentials of digital signage.

Understanding Digital Signage Basics

If you’re new to the world of digital signage, you have a lot of questions:

What exactly is digital signage?
Why do I need to use digital signage?
Where do I begin?
What kind of software do I need?
What kind of hardware do I need?
What type of content should I display?
Finding the answers to these questions can help you understand the basics of digital signage so you can make an educated decision before diving in.

None of this has to be complicated.

And we don’t want it to be.

That’s our goal. To make the process of implementing digital signage cost-effective, flexible, and easy to manage, while maintaining the comprehensive technical requirements.

You and your company may be interested in the concept of digital signage, but if you don’t understand how to align the hardware with the software, what kind of content you need to create, or how and where to begin, you may resist moving forward.

In this post, we’re going to take you through the basics of digital signage so that by the time you’re done reading it, you’ll know what to do and where to begin.

10 Reasons Why You Should Use Digital Signage

In the spirit of blog posts everywhere that offer twenty reasons or ten reasons or fifty reasons to do something, we wanted to hop on board with our own list.

It’s about digital signage, of course. (You’re shocked, I know.)

Let’s just cut to the chase, shall we?