Skykit Digital Signage and Workplace Solutions

4 Under-Utilized Strategies for Digital Menu Boards and Kiosks

In the early years of digital signage, the purpose of using images and video in the retail space was to share information and alert customers of sales or promotions. It worked.

As the industry grew, so did the concept of marketing. Digital signage began to show up in other industries, like the automotive, healthcare, and restaurant industries. Hardware graduated from the VHS to the various media players we see today.

Software also matured to meet the specific needs of retailers and restaurateurs.

As the digital signage industry boomed, so did the voices of digital signage users everywhere.
They wanted more options.
More choices.
More solutions.

They wanted more bang for their buck.
And based on the number of digital signs and kiosks we see on any given day, it’s safe to say those voices were heard.